Stainless Steel (C - CSS / CSOS) Concealed Head Standoffs (Inch Sizes)

Product Details

Concealed head clinch standoffs are installed in a milled blind hole using a press and become securely captivated in the parent material. The concealed head feature ensures the opposite face of the material is left completely smooth and unmarked.

These standoffs are made of 300 series stainless steel and are suitable for installation in material of up to 70HRB hardness.

Two types are listed below - CSS for 1.6mm minimum sheet thickness and CSOS for 2.4mm minimum sheet thickness.


Thread SizeHole DiameterMin. distance centre to panel edge

C-CSS standoffs require a 1.1mm minimum hole depth in the material.

C-CSOS standoffs require a 1.95mm minimum hole depth in the material.

Standoff length is the length left protruding after installation. Dimensions in mm.​

Enquire Online

Thread Size
For Sheet Thickness
Part RefOrder CodeOrder MultipleQty
#4-400.187" (4.8)1.6 +C - CSS 440-3XCSS4403check
#4-400.25" (6.4)1.6 +C - CSS 440-4XCSS4404check
#4-400.312" (7.9)1.6 +C - CSS 440-5XCSS4405check
#4-400.375" (9.5)1.6 +C - CSS 440-6XCSS4406check
#4-400.5" (12.7)1.6 +C - CSS 440-8XCSS4408check
#4-400.625" (15.9)1.6 +C - CSS 440-10XCSS44010check
#6-320.187" (4.8)1.6 +C - CSS 632-3XCSS6323check
#6-320.25" (6.4)1.6 +C - CSS 632-4XCSS6324check
#6-320.312" (7.9)1.6 +C - CSS 632-5XCSS6325check
#6-320.375" (9.5)1.6 +C - CSS 632-6XCSS6326check
#6-320.5" (12.7)1.6 +C - CSS 632-8XCSS6328check
#6-320.625" (15.9)1.6 +C - CSS 632-10XCSS63210check
#4-400.187" (4.8)2.4 +C - CSOS 440-3XCSOS4403check
#4-400.25" (6.4)2.4 +C - CSOS 440-4XCSOS4404check
#4-400.312" (7.9)2.4 +C - CSOS 440-5XCSOS4405check
#4-400.375" (9.5)2.4 +C - CSOS 440-6XCSOS4406check
#4-400.5" (12.7)2.4 +C - CSOS 440-8XCSOS4408check
#4-400.625" (15.9)2.4 +C - CSOS 440-10XCSOS44010check
#6-320.187" (4.8)2.4 +C - CSOS 632-3XCSOS6323check
#6-320.25" (6.4)2.4 +C - CSOS 632-4XCSOS6324check
#6-320.312" (7.9)2.4 +C - CSOS 632-5XCSOS6325check
#6-320.375" (9.5)2.4 +C - CSOS 632-6XCSOS6326check
#6-320.5" (12.7)2.4 +C - CSOS 632-8XCSOS6328check
#6-320.625" (15.9)2.4 +C - CSOS 632-10XCSOS63210check

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